Thursday, November 23, 2017

Review: Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo {4.0}

Author: Leigh Bardugo
Series: Six of Crows #2
Genre: Young Adult, Romance, Fantasy
Publisher: Orion Children's Books
Publication Date: September 26th, 2016
Pages: Paperback, 536
My Rating: 4 Stars

Welcome to the world of the Grisha.

After pulling off a seemingly impossible heist in the notorious Ice Court, criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker feels unstoppable. But life is about to take a dangerous turn—and with friends who are among the deadliest outcasts in Ketterdam city, Kaz is going to need more than luck to survive in this unforgiving underworld.

I don't even know how to start this review properly because I have such conflicting feelings for this. I usually rate books based on my enjoyment and how it manages to catch my attention. And while I didn't fully enjoy this one because it just didn't have that gripping factor that the first book had, I had to give this one points for how many times the plot took me by surprise and caught me off guard.

Crooked Kingdom is the sequel to Six of Crows, a book that completely took me by surprise. I was really excited to read this book, but I have to say that I was kind of disappointed in this one. While a lot more things happen in this book than it did in the last book, this book just didn't have the excitement of the first book where my heart was pounding and I couldn't put down the book no matter how hard I tried. With this book, a lot of things happened, and as usual Kaz was clever and surprised me with his schemes, but I just wasn't as mind blown as I was with the first book.

The plot was definitely well thought out though, so I couldn't give this book lower than 4 stars. The plot is so intricately woven, and everything has to be planned out and clear right from the start to pull it off. I know that's a feat that can't be pulled off by many. There were so many hidden agendas, but they all add up in the end. They just make sense, you know? However, because of the number of times it has happened already, sometimes it felt like too many. I know that I would be surprised by Kaz' schemes, and while I did not expect what Kaz would do, I expected to be surprised. As a result, I was not that surprised anymore.

Nevertheless, the conclusion of this book is beautiful. Things were still not perfect for the characters, but they were good enough. I love how everyone just knew what they were supposed to do after everything, but at the same time let the tides take them where they may. I don't know, I just think it was beautiful. But let's not forget for a minute what happened towards the end, when it made me think that this book is so, so cruel. Ugh, I don't know why that had to happen? I hope you all know what I'm talking about because I don't want to put any spoilers.

Overall, I was kind of disappointed by this book, but not by much. I really loved how intricately woven the plot was, and I kind of wish there's a next book even though the ending was beautiful.

something lacking stars

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